Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Raising Happy Dogs By Kritthaphat N.

Kritthaphat  N.

Among a variety of pets to choose from, dogs are probably the best companions you could ever ask for. They are loyal, extremely intelligent, and courageous. You’ve probably heard a handful of stories about a dog’s unconditional love for his master.

As a pet owner, it is of course your responsibility to give back this love to man’s best friend. Pets, like us, also crave for attention and love in order to live happily. But compared to human beings, the needs of our canine friends are easily ignored as we attend to our daily affairs. Many dog owners tend to underestimate the value of playing and cuddling with their pets.

You might think that as long as you are not cruel to your dog and you provide him enough food and warm shelter, then that should be enough. This is a huge misconception that we should not dwell on. Dogs need to feel affection on a daily basis, too. Ignoring them could be considered what we may call “benign neglect.”

Sad to say, it is not uncommon for us to see canine pets chained and living alone in their backyard doghouses. While abuse against animals could never be tolerated, neglect is also a form of unintentional abuse that cause suffering to our pet dogs. Lack of attention could also spur animal behavioral problems as they grow older.

Dogs sometimes annoy us if they bark incessantly or are too hyperactive. What we usually do not see is that they feel lonely. You’ll be surprised how simple tasks such as walking and talking with your dog, giving it a bath, and just lounging and messing around could have very good effect on your pets’ mood and disposition.

Dog Training

Training your pet dogs early will also prove beneficial to their growth as happy and healthy pets. Trained dogs are happier compared to their untrained counterparts because they find themselves welcome in the company of more people. They are well-behaved and disciplined, earning them the praise and fondness of their owners, as well as strangers. They could even be taken along on outdoor trips because they always do what they’re told.

Dogs could live up to 16 years old. It would be best to start training your dog very early in her life. You do not necessarily have to hire an expert dog trainer to achieve this. The three most important concepts in dog training are consistency, patience, and positive motivation.

Start by simple commands such as “Sit” and “Stay.” Give your dog food treats if she has followed your order. Use your dog’s name often but be firm. Repetition will help your dog remember her training lessons. It is not advisable to implement punishment for unruly behavior.

It would be good to remember that dogs are still pack animals. It is their instinct to play, eat, and sleep together with their own kind. In the absence of dog companions, it should be the duty of pet owners to fulfill this missing factor in his pet’s life. It should not even be treated as an obligation as much as it should be seen as a privilege.

Resource: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=297960&ca=Pets

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