Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Website Builder Reviews The Affiliate Genie Is Here

The website builder
reviews - Affiliate Genie.

The affiliate genie is a new website builder that is sure to be a huge success. Why? Because it is SO easy to use. Plus, it has many of the features of Wordpress, but without the need to create a database...this confused a lot of newbies out there. All you do is this:

1. Get a domain name

2. Open your favorite FTP program and send one file folder to your domain (instructions are included on this, it's very easy)

3. Go to: whateveryourdomainnameis(dot)com/admin.php - type that in your browser

4. Log in with your user name and password and you are ready to make a site!

The builder uses a what you see is what you get easy interface and you can also toggle between html. You can easily add any content you want. And the features....WOW!

Affiliate genie automatically creates a sitemap and rss feeds for your website. If you don't know what this is, don't worry. You want it. It helps Google and other search engines find your site and index it fast! Also, every time you add content, affiliate genie will auto ping whatever sites you set it to.. this is just like Wordpress blogs do. Instantly letting the search engines know you updated your site. It's like screaming "rank me higher!".

On top of that, you can have visitors add comments and rate your products if you'd like. This builds trust and helps makes sales, if that's what you want to do.

Which brings up a good point. Affiliate genie was made by an internet marketer for internet marketers. It's purpose was to create websites that sell products effectively and it works. BUT, you can make any kind of website you want with this website builder. You are not limited to affiliate sites.

If you would like to learn more about this website builder, just go to the link below. That site was made with affiliate genie. I also offer a bonus if you order there.. I will tell you exactly how I get my websites
to number 1 in Google!

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